884 2025 > ANIMALS Mouse Ratón Souris Maus Topo Rato Hat, body, *booties and tail | Gorro, body, *patucos y cola | Chapeau, body, *chaussons et queue | Hut, Body, *Babyschuhe und Schwanz | Cappello, body, *babbucche e coda | Chapéu, body, *carapins e cauda. 208062 208063 208064 0-6 M 7-12 M* 12-24 M* Lion León Lion Löwe Leone Leão Hat, body, *booties and tail | Gorro, body, *patucos y cola | Chapeau, body, *chaussons et queue | Hut, Body, *Babyschuhe und Schwanz | Cappello, body, *babbucche e coda | Chapéu, body, *carapins e cauda. 208050 208051 208052 0-6 M 7-12 M* 12-24 M*