255 Skeleton Esqueleto Squelette Skelett Scheletro Esqueleto Jumpsuit and masked hood | Mono y verdugo | Combinaison et cagoule | Overall und Kapuzenmütze | Tuta e passamontagna | Macacão e verdugo. 203638 200090 200091 200092 3-4 Y 5-6 Y 7-9 Y 10-12 Y Skeleton Esqueleto Squelette Skelett Scheletro Esqueleto Masked hood, jumpsuit and gloves | Verdugo, mono y guantes | Cagoule, combinaison et gants | Kapuzenmütze, Overall und Handschuhe | Passamontagna, tuta e guanti | Verdugo, macacão e luvas. 200218 200219 159056 159057 159058 S M-L XL XXL XXXL