69 Elmo Balloon Balloon Elmo Balloon Elmo Elmo Balloon Balloon Elmo Balloon Elmo Cookie Monster Balloon Balloon Monstruo De Las Galletas Balloon Macaron Le Glouton Krümelmonster Balloon Balloon Cookie Monster Balloon Monstro Das Bolachas Suit, headgear and booties | Traje, gorro y patucos | Costume, bonnet et chaussons | Anzug, Mütze und Babyschuhe | Vestito, berretto e babbucce | Fato, gorro e carapins. Suit, headgear and booties | Traje, gorro y patucos | Costume, bonnet et chaussons | Anzug, Mütze und Babyschuhe | Vestito, berretto e babbucce | Fato, gorro e carapins. 230164 230165 230166 230167 230168 230169 0-6 M 7-12 M 12-24 M 0-6 M 7-12 M 12-24 M