ENGINEERING AROUND THE WORLD 1- CHEMICAL ENGINEERING New, more efficient catalysts The chemical industry re- ers drew inspiration from lies on catalysts for over the structure of butterfly 90 percent of its processes wings to createa new cata- and nearly all of them con- lyst platform that partially sist of nanoparticles dis- grips the nanoparticles to persed over a substrate. prevent them moving dur- Engineers at Harvard Uni- ingcatalysis and so make SERGI ALBET versity have discovered thereaction more efficient. Engineer and that the disposition of nan- digital consultant oparticles plays a vital role Source: University of Col·legiat 14.416 in the speed of catalytic Harvard @sergialbet reactions. These research- 2- ENGINEERING EDUCATION Imagine it, build it There is a class at MIT, called 3- ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 2.679, which offers engineering students the tools they need to New, more powerful chips for AI acquire knowledge and become explorers and innovators. This class functions rather like a series Engineers at Princeton University is to create new chips that run of short intensive courses to help have focused their efforts on more powerful artificial intelligence students to build whatever it is developing advanced microchips systems while using much less they want. Students go through for artificial intelligence. Their goalenergy than the most advanced the process of designing, making semiconductors. Making chips that and assembling a printed circuit can handle the demands of running board with the aim of making modern AI in compact environments the device perform a specific or with less energy means that they function. must be much more efficient when handling and moving data. Source: Massachussets Institute of Technology(MIT) Source: Princeton University .CAT 1. ENGINYERIA QUÍMICA 2. ENGINYERIA FORMATIVA 3. ENGINYERIA ELECTRÒNICA Uns enginyers de la Universitat de Els estudiants d’enginyeria del MIT Una nova generació de microxips Harvard han creat una plataforma per tenen una assignatura anomenada que han creat uns enginyers de contenir les nanopartícules mentre es 2.679 que els ensenya a realitzar allò la Universitat de Princeton vol produeix una reacció catalítica inspiradaque tenen en ment. La intenció és que revolucionar la gestió de dades dels en l’estructura de les ales de papallona.aquesta matèria els ajudi a tenir les sistemes d’IA. Per aconseguir-ho cal Amb això les reaccions són molt més eines necessàries per ser capaços de que aquests siguin molt més eficaços a eficients, ja que participen en el 90% crear un dispositiu que faci una funció la vegada que consumeixin molt menys dels processos químics. determinada. que els semiconductors més avançats. 44Theknos Maig-juny 2024 notecnirP ed tatisrevinU ©dravraH ed tatisrevinU © TIM ©