UMA. Applied Mathematics Department A research lab ENSTA Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France. The research activities of the laboratory are based on mathematics applied to various fields. > Read more > Read more Research areas Continuous and discrete optimization Modeling and numerical simulation of wave propagation Imagery and inverse problems Stochastic analysis and optimal control Numerical analysis and asymptotic analysis Key figures 29 Permanent researchers 7 Post-doctoral researchers 34 PhD students 52 Average number of publications per year MathematicS discover UMA website > discover UMA website > The research activities of the laboratory concern very varied topicsin Applied Mathematics (partial differential equations, dynamical systems, optimal control, continuous and discrete optimization, stochastic analysis, numerical methods, finite elements) with applications in various fields, such as electromagnetism, elastodynamics, aeroacoustics, astrophysics, quantitative finance, imaging, large networks... These activities are grouped in three teams: • Inversion of Differential Equations For Imaging and physiX (IDEFIX) • Optimisation and Control (OC) and Propagation des Ondes • Etude Mathématique et Simulation (POEMS).