Chemistry / Physics Research areas Solar cell manufacturing processes Materials for photovoltaic applications Advanced characterization New conversion concepts Solar fuels Key figures 8 Permanent researchers 9 Postdoctoral students 12 PhD students 30 Average number of publications per year At the interface between academia and industry, IPVF aims to conduct research on key aspects of photovoltaic energy and give rise to innovations in analytical techniques, processes and devices related to its development. > Read more > Read more IPVF. Institut photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France A joint research unit CNRS, École polytechnique, ENSCP, IPVF SAS, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France. discover ipvf website > discover ipvf website > The lab draws on its expertise in the modeling, synthesis and characterization of materials to develop new energy conversion strategies (based on tandem cells, hot carriers, photon conversion etc.) It also seeks to improve the performance and reliability of cells and modules (new functional materials, aging, bio-inspired approaches etc.) and pave the way for new applications such as solar fuels.