moreover, the availability of the new Xl probe dedicatedBiliAry diseAse to overweight patients with a skin-to-liver capsula liver stiffness has also been shown to be of clinical use distance greater than 2.5 cm will allow assessment of to detect fibrosis and cirrhosis in patients with primary a large portion of the patients that could not previouslybiliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis [9]. benefit from the FibroScan procedure [8].® Controlled Attenuation Parameter (CAP™) new in addition to measuring liver stiffness, FibroScan 502®→ in a cohort of 115 patients with various chronic Touch now allows you to also assess the controlled liver diseases, the aUroc of cap™ to assess* attenuation parameter (cap™) which has been steatosis were: developed for the detection of liver steatosis. Several 0.91 for steatosis superior or equal to 11% publications and communications support this new • feature of the FibroScan 502 Touch.® • 0.94 for steatosis superior or equal to 34% → a proof of concept publication on the cap™ • 0.89 for steatosis superior or equal to 67% technology [23] → Several communications in international hepatology meetings (aaSld, eaSl, apaSl) [24-27] FibroScan 502 Touch with its® dedicated probes is a diagnostic aid measuring liver stiffness and controlled attenuation parameter. these values must be interpreted by a medical doctor specialized in liver disease taking into account the complete medical record of the patient, presence of identified confounding factors and the quality of the measurement procedure (number of valid measurements, dispersion,…).