Sharing CliniCal Data liTeraTUre oVerView FibroScan procedures are easy to put into routine practice for all chronic® liver diseases. → To date, more than 369 peer reviewed original articles have demonstrated the usefulness of liver stiffness measurement with the FibroScan® → As a stand-alone tool or as an adjunct to liver biopsy, FibroScan allows® accurate decisions as part of your patient management strategy → From mass screening to follow-up of post transplanted patients and prognostic value, liver stiffness measured by FibroScan has a wide range of use® Liver stiffness liver stiffness assessed by FibroScan® has been chronic hepAtitis B (hBV) studied in all major causes of chronic liver diseases. The diagnosis accuracy of FibroScan® to assess fibrosis has been shown to be similar in patients with chronic hepatitis B compared to patients with fiBroscAn hAs Been studied® chronic hepatitis c [2]. however, necro-inflammatory in different clinicAl settings activity has also been shown to significantly affect →Tertiary units liver stiffness in this etiology [3]. → mass screening [18] hiV-hcV co-infection → Street-based outreach for drug users [19] The presence of hiV co-infection with hcV, does not → paediatrics [20, 21] impair the diagnosis accuracy of FibroScan [4].® → Tropical medicine [22] Alcoholic liVer diseAse (Ald) liver stiffness measured by FibroScan®can be used to assess liver fibrosis in patients with alcoholic liver disease with diagnosis accuracies similar to those chronic hepAtitis c (hcV) obtained in chronic viral hepatitis [5]. in chronic viral hepatitis c, the diagnosis accuracy of liver moreover,the FibroScan®procedure is very well stiffness measurement is good to excellent. according accepted by patients with alcohol dependence or abuse to the first pivotal study [1], the aUroc* were: and therefore appears as a first choice tool to detect advance fibrosis or cirrhosis in population at risk with → 0.79 for the diagnosis of significant fibrosis a better accuracy than simple biological evidence [6]. → 0.91 for the diagnosis of advanced fibrosis →0.97 for the diagnosis of cirrhosis (non Alcoholic fAtty liVer diseAsenAlfd) overall,the diagnosis accuracy depends on the a recent meta-analysis [7] based on 6 different quality of the liver biopsies used as the reference studies has shown that liver stiffness measured with and the distribution of patients into the different FibroScan is good to detect liver fibrosis with a mean® stages of fibrosis. aUroc* of 0.84 (95% ci : 0.79-0.90) and excellent to** detect cirrhosis with a mean aUroc of 0.94 (0.86-0.99). * aUroc: area under receiver operator characteristics curve ** 95% ci : 95% confidence interval