Sharing innovative technology USe The FirST-in-claSS elaSTography Based on patented Vibration-controlled Transient elastography (VcTe™), FibroScan 502 Touch® provides multiple controls for reliable, accurate and reproducible assessment of liver tissue stiffness: controlled vibration, controlled energy, controlled algorithm. POWERED BYvCtE ™ ControllEd EnErgy → propagation of the mechanical shear ControllEd viBrAtion wave through the skin and liver tissues is measured using low energy 3.5 mhz ultrasound 20 ms 80 ms → large explored volume 3 cm3 (at least 100 times more than a biopsy) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |→ measurement depths from 15 to 75 mm Time depending on probe Ultrasound transducer Button 25 mm ControllEd Algorithm Electrodynamic transducer → a custom-designed ergonomic transducer generates a controlled vibration which induces a mechanical shear wave with → VcTe™ guidance process ensures consistent frequency and energy the operator obtains measurements → Static force is monitored in real time of the liver to prevent wave distortions → a sophisticated algorithm computes liver → Shear wave center frequencyis 50hz stiffness and ultrasound attenuation →a quality controlled calculation is performed automatically, the algorithm selects the valid measurements mm 2