Sharing expertise& innovation aBoUT echoSenS echosens is actively expanding its global presence. we are supported by a team of medical experts who have helped to transform our core technology*, VcTe™, into the first commercially available product with Transient elastography: FibroScan.® our mission in France, we develop strong links with offer to our customers ergonomic and the universities as: technological solutions in hepatology to → Université rabelais de Tours improve patient quality of life based on: → centre d’investigation clinique – → a robust portfolio of patents innovation Technologie, chrU de → a totally non-invasive solution Tours, hôpital Bretonneau → institut pierre et marie curie, paris our pArtners echosens establishes many medical → Telecom parisTech and scientific partnerships around the → inSerm world (germany, china, USa, United Kingdom…). our commitment our commitment to quality is shown by: → iSo 13485 certification since 2005 → ce mark since 2003 * echosens owns 9 patents in the domain of transient elastography.