Our approach Last year’s commitments read more read more As a small business with a single UK office, our direct environmental footprint is limited. However, we remain focused on minimising the environmental impact of our activities. We also recognise that our financed emissions are our largest carbon impact and our greatest opportunity to contribute to a lower carbon future. In last year’s report, we shared our intention to set near-term Science-Based Targets for 2030 across all eligible Triple Point assets as an initial step toward achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This was part of our commitment as signatories of the NZAM initiative and demonstrated our aim to align with a low-carbon future. Last year’s commitments In last year’s report, we shared our intention toset near-term Science-Based Targets for 2030 across all eligible Triple Point assets as an initial step toward achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This was part of our commitment as signatories of the NZAM initiative and demonstrated our aim to align with a low-carbon future. We also committed to improving the quality of our emissions data to better track our environmental impact. Additionally, we engaged with our building managers to seek improvements and innovations in our office’s environmental practices. We committed to making progress towards Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting at a group level, aiming for completion by 2025, and we also responded to the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) by aligning our investment strategy with the published guidance.