PROTECTION LENTI / LENSES IT EN LUX-LENS Lenti ricambio inattiniche o trasparenti Ø50x3mm per occhiali SACIT.Adiactinic and clear spare lenses Ø50x3 mm,for SACIT goggles EN166 LVE000002 EN166 LVE000011 EN169 LVE000054 CODE DESCRIZIONE DESCRIPTION COLOR LVE000002 LUX-LENS coppia lenti incolore in LUX-LENS clear Carborock polycarbo- Ø 50 mm 3 mm 25 policarbontato Carborock nate lenses (Pair) LVE000011 LUX-LENS coppia lenti incolore in LUX-LENS clear tempered glass Ø 50 mm 3 mm 25 vetro temperato lenses (Pair) LVE000054 LUX-LENS coppia lenti in vetro DIN 5LUX-LENS DIN 5 glass lenses (Pair) DIN 5 Ø 50 mm 3 mm 25 IT EN BASIC-LENS Lenti inattiniche Ø50x3 mm, per i più diffusiocchiali di saldatura.Adiactinic and clear spare lenses Ø50x3 mm,for SACIT goggles. EN169 CODE DESCRIZIONE DESCRIPTION COLOR LVC000051 BASIC LENS coppia lenti inattiniche BASIC-LENS adiactinic Ø 50 mm DIN 5 Ø 50 mm 3 mm 25 rotonde Ø 50 mm DIN 5 lenses (Pair) DIN 5 LVC000052 BASIC LENS coppia lenti inattiniche BASIC-LENS adiactinic Ø 50 mm DIN 10 Ø 50 mm 3 mm 25 rotonde Ø 50 mm DIN 10 lenses (Pair) DIN 10 LVC000053 BASIC LENS coppia lenti inattiniche BASIC-LENS adiactinic Ø 50 mm lens DIN 11 Ø 50 mm 3 mm 25 rotonde Ø 50 mm DIN 11 (Pair) DIN 11 LVC000054 BASIC LENS coppia lenti inattiniche BASIC-LENS adiactinic Ø 50 mm DIN 12 Ø 50 mm 3 mm 25 rotonde Ø 50 mm DIN 12 lenses (Pair) DIN 12 All trademarks are of exclusive property of the respective companies. Data and images are indicative and may be changed in any time without notice. Copyright © 2019 Trafimet Group SpA a socio unico 131