PROTECTION OCCHIALI / SPECTACLES IT EN 940 Occhiale monolente, inclinazione micrometricadella lente, astine regolabili e foro per cordino.Safety spectacles with single micrometric tiltinglens, adjustable temples and holes for cord. Lente trasparente policarbonato per la Clear polycarbonate lens for protection against protezione da impatti meccanici. mechanical impacts. EN166 CODE DESCRIZIONE DESCRIPTION COLOR Occhiale 940 lente policarb.neutra, 940 safety spectacles with clear F10940 astine regolabili polycarbonate single lens and 35 g 12 adjustable temples IT EN 983 Occhiale monolente, leggero con lineaavvolgente, ottimo per l’uso sotto le maschereLight wrap-around safety spectacles,ideal for use under welding helmets. Clear per saldatura. Lente trasparente policarbonato polycarbonate single lens for protection against per la protezione da impatti meccanici. mechanical impacts; grey polycarbonate lens for protection against sunlight and glares. EN166 CODE DESCRIZIONE DESCRIPTION COLOR F10983 Occhiale 983 lenti policarbonato 983 safety spectacles with clear 25 g 12 incolore polycarbonate lenses F10983G Occhiale 983G lenti policarbonato 983 safety spectacles with grey 25 g 12 grigio polycarbonate lenses All trademarks are of exclusive property of the respective companies. Data and images are indicative and may be changed in any time without notice. Copyright © 2019 Trafimet Group SpA a socio unico 123