June /202122 Roca Gallery Ma Yansong, Wan Huig and Bryant Lu participate in “Architecture Perspectives” Different renowned architects shared their design philosophy in the series of monthly digital interviews organized by the Roca Galleries in China The series of digital interviews “Architecture PerspecFor his part, Wang Hui, cofounder of URBANUS, tives” has brought together renowned architects likeone of the most renowned architectural studios in Ma Yansong, Wang Hui and Bryant Lu in the last fewBeijing, explained in the interview and talk how the months. They have shared their design philosophyphilosophical thoughts of different authors had influ and professional experience with their followersenced his practice over the years. through the platforms and social media of Roca Gallery in China. Finally, Bryant Lu, vice president of Ronald Lu & Partners, one of the most prestigious architectural Ma Yansong, founding partner of MAD Architects andfirms in Hong Kong, took this opportunity to share designer of the Roca Beijing Gallery, reflected on thehow the idea of establishing RLP came about, as relativity of individual identity in the role of an archi tectwell as the future prospects of the company. Bryant and the importance of having freedom when designLu also delved into what he believed transitoriented ing public buildings. In the interview, he analysed onedevelopment (TOD) will look like in cities like Hong of his most recent projects, the “Wormhole” library, Kong. located in Haikou, and talked about the creative pro cess while designing the Roca Beijing Gallery. Ma Yansong, designer of Roca Beijing Gallery A digital exhibition explores our relationship with nature The event opened with a panel discussion on environmental protection with renowned professionals of the industry Roca Beijing Gallery hosted, as part of the “City ReThe event opened with the panel discussion “New flection” program, the digital exhibition “ContinuousDictionary of Environmental Aesthetics”, with the Refle (a) ction +”, created by the MORCREATE team.followi ng participants, among others: Liu Xuesong, The pieces in the exhibition were created by the Gerfounder of Park Regeneration; Gao Jian, founder of man digital artist Timo Helgert, the Argentinian aniGaia Design Studio; Ye Jia, director of the WildAid mator Lucas Casagrande and the Chinese art de(USA) Representation Office in Beijing and Carolyn signer Dou Xiangheng. Leung, founder of Superimpose. Coinciding with World Water Day, which takes placeCity Reflection is a series of digital exhibitions created on March 22nd, the theme was related to sustainby Roca Beijing Gallery, in which professionals from ability, and combining digital 3D art and images, thethe design, innovation and environmental sectors creators searched for a new artistic dimension toare invited to share their creative work through the advocate the protection of the environment and exLED screens of the Gallery and the social media of plore the balance between people and nature.the Roca Galleries in China. The speakers after the debate 17