June /202122 Roca Gallery The interior designer Patricia Bustos analyses home trends for millennials The concerns of this generation are driving several changes in the accommodation and design “Inspiration, identity, power and sustainability” will the key home trends of the millennial generation, as claimed by interior designer Patricia Bustos during the meeting “Design for Millennials”, organized by Roca and broadcasted live on the Instagram profile of Roca Madrid Gallery. Patricia Bustos is the founder and creative director of Patricia Bustos Studio. Her work has received several awards, among them the First Prize CasaDecor2018 to Best Space and Most Photographed Space for the project “Osadía Rebel Kitchen”, and the international Frame Award – Best Use of Colour 2020 for her pro ject “Wonder Galaxy”. The designer shared her vision of the interests of new generations in the current “instragrammable” era of design. In her opinion, the millennial generation is the result of “a series of crises that have occurred in recent years and have led us to be people of the present. We like to enjoy the present because the future is unpredictable.” This and some other fea tures define the people born between the early 1980s and the mid1990s, resulting in different ac commodation needs compared to other generations. Patricia Bustos shared her opinions with the Roca Madrid Gallery followers The present and future of the retail environment, under discussion The meeting “Retailers · Design Trends” analysed the transformation of the sector, increasingly focused on the purchase experience The retail sector is currently undergoing a profoundpoint of a debate on current trends: the increasing transformation of retail spaces, affected by the influenceimportance of experiential commerce (also called of the digital world and the desire of brands to offerXCommerce), the multifunctionality and flexibility of different purchase experiences to their consumers.spaces through the fusion of concepts and func These were some of the issues addressed during thetions, the design of “instagrammable” spaces and virtual session “Retailers · Design Trends”, a meetingthe addition of sustainability as an added value. moderated by the retail expert Javier Delgado andThe experts explained that in the future, the trends with the participation of the architect Alberto Eltiniwill focus on strengthening the creation of a cus and the creative director Marina Martín, the lattertomized user experience that goes beyond the founders of the studio El Departamento. product and is not restricted to top brands but can Their experience and career, which combines design,be found on any level. interior design and architecture, were the starting The retail expert Javier Delgado moderated the session 15