o’live Speed Cones Kit Various exercises can be performed, either as a speed ladder or a fixed point. They are safe thanks to the adherence they offer to the ground. o’live Agility Ref: Measure: Colour: EN51000.00 ø 25 cm Red The ball has an unpredictable bounce that makes the athlete focus when trying to catch it, increasing reaction capacity and reflexes. o’live Reaction Ball Ref: Measure: Colour: BA09700.00 ø 10 cm Red Base needed to keep the slalom pike upright. Made of resistant injected plastic for greater stability. o’live Slalom Pole Base Ref: Measure: EN43000.00 Ø 16 x 24 cm EN43400.00 1 m Yellow Made of PVC, they are used to imitate the movement patterns used in the most common sports. o’live Slalom Pole Ref: Measure: Colour: EN43100.00 170 cm Yellow www.olive-fitness.com