o’live Nylon Covered Battle Rope Ref: Measure: EN50801.00 900 x ø 3,8 cm EN50802.00 1200 x ø 3,8 cm o’live Standing Medicine Ball Rack Ref: Measure: Colour: Capacity: MU06200.00 65 x 47 x 145 cm Grey 5 med. balls / 4 functional ball o’live compac Medicine Ball Rack Ref: Measure: Capacity: MU03700.01 37 x 35 x 130 cm 5 med. balls/ 4 func. balls MU03800.01 62 x 35 x 130 cm 10 med. balls/ 8 func. MU03900.01 110 x 35 x 130 cm 20-25 med. balls Ref: Measure: Capacity: MU03700.01 35 x 37 x 130 cm 5 med. balls/ 4 func. balls Ref: Measure: Capacity: MU03800.01 35 x 62 x 130 cm 10 med. balls/ 8 func. Ref: Measure: Capacity: MU03900.01 35 x 110 x 130 cm 20-25 med. balls X X O’Live battle ropes are manufactured with a twisted black nylon of 38 mm. On the ends they have a heat selaed treatment that guarantee the rope doesn’t unravel, and provides with a safe and comfy grip. The nylon sleeve offers higher resistance and a better look of the rope. X X Suitable for medicine balls and functional balls. Balls not included. X X Suitable for medicine ball storage, two handle balls or functional balls. Compact, resistant and easy to clean. Balls not included.