29 Inizio Sustainability Report 2023 Health and safety continued 4. Issue resolution The incident causes and injury types reported during the past year are Due to our business merger and Driver safety Inizio Engage drivers are required Incident reporting indicated in the charts below: restructuring, comparable incident We revised our Driving for Work Policy to take part in online driver safety Inizio employees and contingent data is not available for 2022 versus during 2023 and extended it across the management programs, which workers are required to report and 2023; however, annual data comparisons entire organization. We require our include risk assessments, training, investigate all work-related health Incident root cause will be reinstated from 2024. businesses to include driving for work and coaching. The program was and safety incidents, including near in health and safety risk assessments extended to new countries and misses. Our businesses escalate Slip, trip, or fall on same level 24.2% The top root causes of incident, as and to consider the use of both modules werefurther rolled out incidents as appropriate to senior Road traffic accident while driving shown, accounting for c.44% of all company fleet cars and personal across existing countries during for work – non-company vehicle 15.2% incidents reported in 2023, were slips, vehicles for work (the latter is known management and the Group. Struck against fixed 2023. All 11 countries where we or stationary object 12.1% trips, and falls along with road traffic as “grey fleet”). operate vehicle fleets are covered Our business units report incidents Fall from height 7.6% accidents while driving for work. and we have plans to expand the monthly via our Group reporting % of Handling, lifting, pushing or carrying 4.5% Inizio Engage vehicle fleet scope of the training and reviews, database, which we extended across 66 Incidents Infrastructure/equipment failure 4.5% The nature of injury chart across shows The majority of the Inizio Engage to further improve safety standards. the whole organization in 2023. We Medical 4.5% that the majority of injuries sustained workforce is field based, requiring monitor trends related to incident Road traffic accident while were relatively minor in nature, e.g., us to operate vehicle fleets in 11 Inizio Engage is a member of the performance and use this information driving for work – company fleet 4.5% cuts, bruises, sprains, or strains. countries. More than 1,000 company Network of Employers for Traffic to identify areas for improvement. Struck by moving object (not vehicle) 4.5% vehicles were driven across 2023 Safety (NETS). We measure the Struck by moving vehicle 4.5% The more prevalent inherent risks to covering greater than 22 million number of collisions per million Across Inizio, 66 incidents were Other 13.9% health and safety associated with miles. Within Inizio Engage, many miles (cpmm) and the injuries from reported in 2023, of which 64 were our business services include driving drivers use their own vehicles for collisions per million miles (ipmm), accidents, i.e., cases with injury: for work, incidents within clinical work-related transport. and benchmark our performance Nature of injury support environments and/or while against other organizations operating Most injuries were classified as minor; lone working. We have controls in Driving is the largest cause of incidents car fleets. Based on NETS’ benchmark Cut, laceration, abrasion, place to either eliminate or mitigate at Inizio Engage, reflecting the high data, our cpmm figure improved in There were 0 high-consequence bruise, or contusion 37.5% risks as appropriate and we continue number of employees who drive for • Sprain, strain, whiplash, 2022 vs 2021. work-related injuries (fatalities or cartilage, hernia 23.4% to make improvements, for example, work and the amount of business miles injuries with longer recovery times Superficial Injuries 10.9% through our enhanced driver-safety driven. Driver safety management, of 6 months or more). Fracture or break of bone(s) 7.8% programs and other health and therefore, is a business priority to •21 recordable work-related % of Ill health 6.3% safety management processes. protect our employees and others. incidents occurred, i.e., injuries 64 Incidents Poisoning, toxic, noxious, allergen 6.3% resulting in lost work days, for Other 7.8% The Global Director of EHS for which the corresponding incident Inizio Engage chairs a quarterly rate was 0.18, per the calculation.1 fleet managers’ meeting to look at safety performance data and share best practice. 1. Rate of recordable Number of recordable work related injuries work-related injuries = × 200,000 Number of hours worked The number of Inizio employees and contingent workers for 2023 is averaged as 11,730 and total hours worked was 23,459,061.6.