Wall-hung WCs Rimless Soft-close seat 4.5/3 litre flush 6/3 litre flush Note: WC height dimensions state the recommended installation height. Where applicable, height dimensions for the WC pans do not include the seat dimensions. Due to manufacturing processes all dimensions are approximate. Dimensions in mm. Smart WC Rimless wall-hung WCs Rimless wall-hung WCs Wall-hung WCs In-Wash Inspira Smart WC® Inspira Square Rimless Beyond Rimless Element 355 410 400 400 580 550 562 560 370 390 370 395 803060002 WC pan and soft-close seat£2,058.97 (£2,470.77) 346537000 WC pan£511.55 (£613.86) 3460B7000 WC pan£613.86 (£736.64) 346577000 WC pan£560.77 (£672.93) Note:In-Wash Inspira is compatible with Duplo WC smart installation system only® 80153200B Soft-close seat£197.65 (£237.18) 801B8200 B seat £191.83 (£230.20) 801572004 Soft-close seat£195.42 (£234.51) Inspira Round Compact Rimless Inspira Round Rimless Wall-hung WCs Meridian-N Khroma 435 400 400 400 480 560 560 370 370 610 390 360 346657000 WC pan£526.78 (£632.14) 346247000 WC pan£543.78 (£652.54) 346528000 WC pan£509.34 (£611.21) 346527000 WC pan£488.30 (£585.97) 801652F3T Soft-close seat (red) £262.57 (£315.09) 8012A2004 Soft-close s eat£131.27 (£157.53) 80152C00B Soft-close seat£174.39 (£209.27) 80152200B Soft-close seat£174.39 (£209.27) 801652004 So lose seat (white)ft-c £218.80 (£262.57) 8012A0004 St andard seat£97.19 (£116.63) The Gap Rimless Nexo Rimless Meridian-N Compact Hall Compact 400 400 400 400 540 530 480 360 500 350 360 355 34664L000 WC pan£277.13 (£332.56) 34647L000 WC pan£291.72 (£350.06) 80164B004 Soft- closeseat £101.95 (£122.34) 346248000 WC pan£517.84 (£621.42) 346627000 WC pan£515.45 (£618.55) 801472004 Soft-close seat£108.98 (£130.79) 801640004 Standard se £78.40 (£94.09)at 8012AC004 Soft-close seat£131.27 (£157.53) 801622004 Soft-close s eat £133.91 (£160.70) 801470004 Standard s eat£82.48 ( £98.98) 80164D004 Slimsoft-close seat£101.94 (£122.33) 8012AB004 Standard seat£97.19 (£116.63) 801620004 St andard seat£140.61 (£168.73) Debba Rimless Debba Round Rimless Hall Dama-N Compact 400 400 400 400 500 540 540 560 360 355 355 355 34699L000 WC pan£243.87 (£292.65) 346998000 WC pan£243.87 (£292.65) 346788000 WC pan£502.63 (£603.16) 801992004 Soft-close seat £101.78 (£122.15) 801B2200B Soft-close seat £101.78 (£122.15) 34662E000 WC pan£470.14 (£564.18) 80178C004 Soft-close s eat £130.41 (£156.49) 801990004 StandardSeat£58.47 (£70.17) 801B2000B Standard seat£58.47 (£70.17) 80162C004 Soft-close seat£133.91 (£160.70) 80178B004 St andard seat£108.67 (£130.40) 08 The prices shown are recommended retail prices excluding VAT (including VAT is shown in brackets) 09