LANDSCAPING & GARDEN PRODUCTS SQUARE PLANTER Sets of 2 Order Code Medium 50cm x 50cm SQP Large 65cm x 65cm PLANTER & TRELLIS Size Order Code 153cm x 50cm x 100cm PT RECTANGULAR PLANTER Sets of 2 Order Code Medium 29cm x 40cm x 70cm RP Large 34cm x 52cm x 82cm DOUBLE DUSTBIN COVERS Size Order Code W145cm x D86cm x H125/110cm DDC To maintain the company’s policy of continuous product development we reserve the right to change and improve specifications. As with all natural timber products they will LOG STORE be subject to movement and deterioration as they season. This may become evident with shakes, splits and warping. Size Order Code Timber is a natural product and these are not considered to W200cm x D90cm x H150/140cm LS1 be a fault or defect. 55