C Only a few tour companies have permission tobring guests to the island and only 200 visitorsbeauty of the Ixlache Reef, home to countlessmarine species. are allowed daily. These tours sail from Isla MujeresIsla Contoy in the State of Quintana Roo is or Cancun. Depending on the weather and the typelocated at the confluence of the Caribbean Sea and of boat, the trip should take one to two hours. Ifthe Gulf of Mexico, approximately 30 kilometers you plan to visit the island in your own vessel, younorth of Isla Mujeres. The island is only 8.5-Km in are required to apply for permission first which canlength and has a surface area of 317 hectares. Isla be arranged at the Park offices in Isla Mujeres orContoy is considered the most important nesting Cancun. place of sea birds in all of the Mexican Caribbean. Before arriving at Isla Contoy, visitors can stop on the way and snorkel the incomparable 36 ON S A I L 4