KARTELL BY LAUFEN Concealed wall washbasin mixer for Simibox 1-Point 3.1133. TECHNICAL DATA Order no. 3.1133. Mounting acc. excl. Simibox 1-Point, concealed system for bath, Spou lengtht 186 mm shower and washbasin mixer, order nr Flow tera 5.7 l/min (3 bar) 3.7698. Acouc classsti I/- mounting aid for Simibox 1-Point, order nr Specification concealed wall washbasin mixer for Simibox 3.7798. 1-Point extension set for Simibox 1-Point, L = 25 mm, joystick cartridge order nr 3.7698. fixed spout disc smoky grey, order nr 3.9833. transparent crystall disc supplied - other colours disc tangerine orange, order nr 3.9833. are to be ordered separately disc amber, order nr 3.9833. Surface finish chrome TECHNICAL DRAWINGS 132 211 92 183 186 20141001 22.5